Design is a universal language across all scales and ‘techne’ τέχνη, exchanges with all fields pertaining to the everyday living of anthropic existence. No matter how large or small an object of reality, design is interpreted as being cosmogenic, and the designer should be prepared for or at least welcome the notion of various design applications or scenarios. Design of a product should be curated specifically to its application, but the designer does not necessarily need to ‘specialize’, unless the design in question is quite specific and complex and requires further background information.
Admittedly, such a simple fixture is ‘dumbed down’, as just another part required out of necessity, that breaks down frequently (design improvement is required but is limited at least in function).
This part was designed (and partly reverse engineered in process) as part of a farming (grain) seeder, specifically a bracket in the measuring and distribution of fertilizers and seeds. The bracket was subsequently and successfully 3dprinted.